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Easie Animal Model

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Why this course?

There is no licensing for the practice of endoscopy in India as of date. None of the medical universities in the country has organised a teaching programme for the Junior doctors aspiring to learn and perform endoscopy. At present the student of endoscopy observes a practising endoscopist for a few days and then ventures to do on his patients in his own centre where there is nobody to supervise or guide. Even if he has mastered the technique of endoscopy, he should know how to recognize the pathologies in the gastrointestinal system. Once he is trained in this programme, he not only can be fully aware of the basics of endoscopy and colonoscopy but also learn the technique hands-on under the supervision of experts in the filed.


Workshop on endoscopy and colonoscopy

The live demonstrations of Endoscopic and Colonoscopic procedures with healthy interactive sessions between the Endscopists, eminent panelists and the delegates. Endotherapy for bleeding varices, stenting of cancer, dilatation strictures, removal of polyps and other procedures will be transmitted live from Endoscopy centre at VGM Hospital to the conference hall, enabling the participants to have an interactive discussion with the experts performing in the Endoscopy suite. For this programme, many eminent Gastroenterologists, Physicians and Surgeons from across the country have been invited as faculty to actively participate, share their experiences and impart knowledge in the field of Gastroenterology to the delegates.


Hands On Training In “Easie” Animal Model

Hands on training with “EASIE” animal model as an ongoing programme is the first of its kind in South-east Asia. Since the first programme started in October 2001, more than 18 such programmes had been conducted across the country with over a 465 satisfied Endoscopists trained through this programme. The main aims of this procedure is to provide a unique opportunity for beginners in endoscopy to learn the basics and advanced therapeutic procedures in endoscopy and also help all those surgeons, physicians and gastroenterologists who are already performing endoscopic procedures to hone their skills and update their knowledge of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic and colonoscpic procedures. This is being done on an imported animal model designed by Dr.Hoschberger of Germany. This is the first such programme in the whole of South East Asia which other universities are yet to take up. This is also the only programme which is conducted as an ongoing programme on regular intervals in a year and over 300 satisfied Endoscopists have been trained in the last five year from all across the country.

We Offer 4 Courses


Highlights Of The Course

  • Separate faculty for both basic and advanced courses
  • Separate animal model for basic and advanced courses
  • High tutor to participant ratio
  • Feedback to identify areas of strength and weakness
  • Personal attention to all with a maximum of 20 participants per course
  • Video demonstration of each procedure at the beginning in a separate class room
  • Accompanying course handbook and video containing key points for each procedure performance assessment
  • Live demonstration of accessories by industry then hands on experience for each doctor for each procedure so that everybody gets a fair chance and opportunity to learn from reputed faculty from all over the country

Course Objectives

Level I - Endo Basic

  • To teach the handling of an endoscope.
  • To teach the basic body movements during a endoscopy procedure.
  • To teach the endoscopy room set up.
  • To define and stress the importance of universal precautions while performing the procedure.
  • To teach complete endoscopy care and maintenance.
  • To teach how to identify the pathologies.
  • To demonstrate basic procedures like biopsy and brush cytology.
  • Hands on experience in animal models.

Endo Basic Therapeutic


  • Balloon dilatation of strictures, variceal band ligation, sclero therapy, Foreign body retrieval & polypectomy


  • Hemo clipping, Endolooping, Endomucosal resection.


  • Diagnostic ERCP, Sphincterotomy, CBD calculus retrieval and stenting, Stent retrieval.