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Clinical Governance

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The VGMGC Clinical Governance Framework, is comprised of following pillars

  • Patient value
  • Clinical audit
  • Clinical -Non clinical Risk management
  • Clinical effectiveness
  • Staff privileging and credentialing
  • Educating and training
  • Feedback evaluation

The medical director has overall responsibility for the quality of care provided by the hospital. They are supported by the Nursing Superintend, Clinical Manager, and a number of quality working groups, who oversee the development of each of the pillars mentioned above. The membership and terms of reference for each group is reviewed regularly to ensure adequate representation of appropriate doctors, nurses and therapists and others with useful expertise. We are also keen to ensure the voices of our patients are heard, and carry out monthly patient feedback questionnaires to ensure this.

Clinical Incidents

We are proud to maintain an exceptional record when it comes to clinical incidents. Thanks to our outstanding Clinical Governance programmed in 2014, we are pleased to report the following:

  • There were no patient falls in 2014 that were graded high or severe.
  • No Information Governance incidents occurred in 2014.